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A Historical Timeline of the Eveleth Lodge from 1901 to the Present

A Historical Timeline of the Eveleth Lodge from 1901 to the Present

2014, February

P.M. Dwight Day reported the Reading Bikes contest was a big success at the elementary and middle schools. The Lodge purchased two bikes for each grade 1- 6. The kids were excited!!

2013, October

The new windows and siding have been installed on the east side of the building. It looks great!

2013, March

An evening to meet with potential new members was held at the Virginia Bowling Gardens. Lodge provided the bowling and pizza for the night. A great time was had by all.

2013, February

S.W. Steve noted we will host our first annual KIDS ID program at the YMCA in April at an event sponsored by the YMCA. Local police and ambulance technicians will be on hand to assist our Lodge. Also, our Lodge participated in the Northland SIDS Walkathon held in Duluth on the same day.

2012, October

A bylaws change was made noting degree fees will increase to $100 plus one time fees of $5 for the George Washington Memorial and $12.50 for Masonic Home Assessments. Also, our new meeting night will be on the third Monday at 6:30 PM of months September through May.

2011, February

A joint effort by the Eveleth Masonic Lodge and the KSKJ of the Catholic Church for a spaghetti feed this month. All proceeds will go to the Quad City Food Shelf.

2011, September

The "Backyard Brotherhood" was held at Brian Haines' lake home and was a great success. Great food and a bean bag tournament were enjoyed by all.

2011, May

Nearly 20 donation requests were reviewed and approved, particularly a $2,000 donation to the Minnesota Masonic Charities.

2010, October

Master Haines welcomed all the Virginia and Biwabik Lodge members present here tonight to discuss buying land in Gilbert to house a new lodge building to be shared by all three Lodges. Future meetings noted Eveleth Lodge inquiriing about a vacant lot recently cleaned. Stever Turner and Virginia W.M. John Dahl attended the council meeting. Gilbert realtor Greg Hoffman wanted a solid offer with money down.

2010, September

Drew Roen, Kerry Roen, and Steve Turner met with Virginia Lodge officers to discuss what Virginia's options may be. They will soon be unable to stay in their building. Offers to meet in our building were made. Grand Lodge has asked if any mergers may be planned to include PGM Ray Christenson in the talks.

2009, December

Master Ryan Turner talked with Gary Mackley about the Gilbert Community Center. This would be a building where Virginia, Biwabik, and Evelth could all share a building. After viewing the building, it will not meet our needs.

2009, September

In an effort to have sound equipment, the pasty rental fee was raised to $0.50 each. Also, Brian noted the concession stand which we took over as a fundraiser for the Band netted $1,200 last week. We voted to give a $500 scholarship to a band member annually from this endeavor.

2008, May

S.W. Brian Haines updating members on the recent spaghetti feed. Over 830 people were served in three hours and nearly $8,000 was donated to the family involved fundraiser.

2008, October

Voted to increase the pasty price to $4.00

2007, October

The old storage room has been upgraded to be the new Secretary's office. It is larger and more accommodating for visiting. A new computer and desk will help. Master Day noted matching funds for pasty bakes was discussed at the recent area conference.

2007, September

Eveleth Lodge's "Backyard Brotherhood" was held at Lake Eshquagama and it was a great success. We will make this an annual gathering.

2006, December

Discussion on the addition to the oncology unit at the University of Minnesota. A motion to donate 25% of an upcoming pasty bake was approved.

2006, October

A new food dicer was purchased for $2,172 to improve our pasty making efforts. It can dice 120 pounds of potatoes in five minutes.

2006, May

A One Day to Masonry class was held at Hibbing's Mesaba Lodge #255. There were 21 total condidates raised with four being from the Eveleth Lodge. They were Jerry Knapper, Joe Stewart, Adam Roen, and Drew Roen.

2006, March

A special dispensation has been obtained for our lodge's first table lodge ceremony. Also a donation was made to the Range Veterans' Memorial.

2005, October

The recent pasty bake with the band made over 3,600 pasties. A huge undertaking!

2005, May

Master Day having Dan Kangas escorted to teh altar where he presented him with a check with the proceeds of a pasty bake fundraiser for $5,500. The money is to help defray costs in a kidney transplant for his sister Doreen Koehnen.

2003, November

Lontime former Lodge Secretary Curtis Anderson was killed in a car accident in Yuma, Arizona. Our Lodge will put on a Masonic funeral in Duluth for the family.

2003, April

The 150th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota was opened in form by the Eveleth Masonic Lodge officers. Also pasty price is now raised to $3.50 each.

2003, January

Eveleth Lodge voted to accept a loan offer from teh Grand Lodge for $5,000 for 6% interest. The quarterly payment will be $216.23 for 5 years for a remodeling project.

2002, October

With the increased requests for help from community organizations, an electrical upgrade to the building is needed. We will rewire our existing ovens and setup for two additional ovens.

2002, June

Eveleth Masonic Lodge #239 enjoyed a twofold celebration in having a receptioon for teh Grand Master of Minnesota masons the Rev. Terry L. Tilton and his officers including Eveleth Lodge Secretary Kerry Roen as Grand Standard Bearer. We also gathered in celebration of our Eveleth Lodge centennial anniversary of its charting.

2002, January

W.M. Doug Barchus made a presentation to the Eveleth-Gilbert School Board, which led to our donation of 14 Alpha Smart portable word processors to the High School. The special needs students of all grades use the Alpha Smarts, which were purchased with monies raised through our pasty sales.

2001, October

Dinner was prepared at teh Lodge for visiting Brothers from Virginia and Biwabik Lodges. In that evening's meeting, the Brothers discussed the idea that all three Lodges share a common building for our meetings as well as possibility of the three lodges merging into one "new" Lodge as cost saving measures for the three Lodges. It was mutually agreed to pursue only a common meeting place for now. Of course, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the subsequent war on terrorism dominated much of the evening's discussion.

1999, November

W.M. Doug Barchus escourted Dwight Day to the first "One Day to Masonry" held at the Shrine Temple in Minneapolis. The event contained excellent degree work as well as being in full costume.

1997, July

Eveleth Lodge once again prepared the meals and provided the stoves for the Iron Range Masonic Club's picnic held at West Two Rivers Campground. This picnic is for the district Masons and their families.

1997, April

Eveleth Lodge made a donation to Relief Fund for the severely flooded regions in Western MN and Eastern North and South Dakota. Brother Terry Tilton's church is located in the flooded area.

1997, January

On January 13, the Virginia Lodge #264 held "Finn Night North". Several Eveleth Lodge Brothers attended to present the "Traveling Trophy" to the Virginia Lodge. The trophy is designed to encourage visitation between the Lodges.

1994, January

A letter was received for Tom Miller, Commandery #35 Secretary, noting they will be moving their belongings to Virginia Lodge #264 as a matter of survival. Also, thanks were given to W.B. Ed Nevala, as he will step down as District Representative at the next Annual Communication.

1989, November

The Masters Masons Degree was conferred with W.M. Grand Master Ward Sonsteby, Grand Standard Bearer Jed Hejda, Dist. Rep. Jim Christianson, and Peter Wilkins from Granite Lodge of Fort Frances, Ontario in attendance. Candidates included Joseph Hocking, Donald Roen (father to Secretary Kerry Roen) and Leland Seaman, who was 97 at the time! Mr. Seaman is the oldest man to be raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in Minnesota to date.

1988, June

We received notive from Job's Daughters Bethel #50 that they will be holding their last meeting as they will join into Bethel #6 of Virginia on June 10, 1988. Bethel #50 had been part of our Lodge since 1949. We received notive from the Order of the Eastern Star Chapter #214 of Eveleth that they will be holding their last meeting in our Temple on June 13, 1988, and will now join the Biwabik OES Chapter #262. They were chartered in Eveleth on June 15, 1916.

1985, February

There was plenty of help for our recent pasty bake and the profits from that event will go towards the purchase of glucose monitors for the Eveleth High School. Master K. Roen also thanked the four brothers who assisted at the Pepsi Challenge ski race.

1984, October

Plans for the July 27, 1985 "Viewpoint in the Sky" were announced. This outdoor third degree will be held at Virginia's mine viewpoint and in conjunction with other area Lodges.

1984, August

Thanks were given to Brother Lyn Adams and W.M. Kerry Roen for lumber donations and for erecting a stand for the Land of the Loon Festival.

1984, May

The second running of the "Golden Bear Masonic Mile" was held. Several brothers were helping. All participants received a shirt and Masonic medallion.

1984, April

Don Jarvi noted we would have a joint pasty bake with OES Chapter No. 214 of Eveleth. This marks the first recorded pasty bake in our history. Secretary Bill Keuhn noted that widow pins are now available from the Grand Lodge.

1973, February

In the early morning hours of February 15, we lost our beautiful Temple. A stated communication had been held the night of the 14th. At 12:30 AM, our Eveleth Police patrolmen discovered the fire. The fire department was given the alarm and responded immediately, but the fire spread so rapidly that the building and all oif its contents were completely destroyed, including the paraphernalia belonging to the Eastern Star, Knight Templars, and Jobs Daughters. Thoe whole community expressed their sympathy, and offers of a meeting place were received from Minnesota Power, the Eveleth Elks Club, the Resurrection Church through Father Perkovich, Biwabik Lodge No. 293 A.F. & A.M., Virginia Lodge No. 264 A.F. & A.M., and Hermatite Lodge No. 274, Chisholm.

Cash contributions and condolences were reveived from many Lodges throughout the state. Ark Lodge No. 176 A.F. & A.M. of Minneapolis, having consolidated with another Lodge offered their furniture and equipment, including chairs, alter, pedestals and other Lodge equipment. Also kitchen equipment sufficient to serve 200 was gratefully accepted. Officer aprong, jewels, and white aprons were donated by Highland Park Lodge No. 336, which had consolidated with Macalester Lodge No. 290 A.F. & A.M.

The offer to use the Biwabik Lodge room was accepted, and the first meeting was held on February 28, 1973. During the summer, arrangements were made with Christ Lutheran Church Board to rent the First Lutheran Church Chapel, and the first meeting in the Chapel was heal on October 24, 1973. The Lutheran Church Board offered this bulding for sale, and at a stated communication held March 13, 1974, it was voted to purchase at a price of $45,000. In August 1974, the transaction was completed.

Much work was involved in remodeling and renovating our new meeting place. The remodeling work in the Lodge room was completed during the summer of 1975, under the leadership and supervision of our late brother Allan F. Williams, P.M., and the kitchen facilities, including new ovens and dishwasher, were completed that fall. The cornerstone from the old building was salvaged and was layed in our presented Lodge building by the Grand Lodge officers at our 75th anniversary celebration.


Mrs. Fred Lind presented the Lodge with new aprons and jewels as a memorial to her husband. These were used for the first time when the officers were installed for the year 1962.


A new altar in memory of Past Master C.H. Morrill was presented by the C.H. Morrill family

1951, September

Eveleth Lodge No. 239 A.F. & A.M. celebrated its Golden Anniversary, at which time Wor. Bro. Wm. L. Bush, Sr., was Worshipful master. Our first Worshipful Master, John H. Hearding was the speaker.

1946, February

Our second Master, Brother Albert C. Osborn, passed away and in his will left the residue of his estate to our Lodge, amounting to $16,667.71. The Albert C. Osborn Memorial Fund was established byt he Lodge in the amount of $12,000. The income of this fund to be used for aid to distress worthy Brethern, their widows and orphans, and, if possible, to provide an educational fund for sons and daughters of memebers of the lodge. An elected Board of Trustees administered this fund.

1948, April

At our Masonic Pioneers' Night Celebration, a Mortgage Burning ceremony was conducted, thus terminating a period of 35 years in which the Lodge had been in dept. During this time the officers and members of the lodge worked diligently and faithfully to complete the task.

1920, October

Our new temple was dedicated. The total cost of $54,639.50 was financed as follows: bond issues $20,000, subscriptions from members $14,914.46, transfers from general fund $4,534.76, and promissory notes $15,190.34.

1917, January

A Building Fund was created for teh purpose of enlarging our temple, and on November 3, 1919, contracts for this work were executed.

1913, April

The Missabi Mountain Township Hall was purchased for a Temple at a cost of $4,000.

1904, April

John T. Johns, W.H. Plummer, and Charles L. Mueller were initiated in due form.


This year with Dr. C.W. More, was an exceptionally busy one, with 34 members being raised, bringing the total membership at the close of his year to 101.

1902, December

WIth John H. Hearding as installing Master and William P. Chinn as installing Marshall, the following officers were installed:

Bro. A.C. Osborn, W.M., Bro. C.W. More, S.W., Bro. Robert Powell, J.W., Bro. J.C. Poole, Treasurer, Bro. S.E. Helps, Secretary, Bro. A.O. Sisson, S.D., Bro. Frederich Barrett, J.D., Bro. D.A. Springer, S.S., Bro. James A. Robb, J.S.

The work during Brother Osborn's year as Master was taken up mostly by degree work; 17 members were raised.

1902, March

Pursuant to notice, the lodge was called for the purpose of constituting Eveleth Lodge No. 239, A.F. & A.M. The Grand Master being unable to be present, sent as his proxy, Right Worshipful William A. McGonagle, Senior Grand Warden, who read his commission and then opened a Lodge of Master Masons in due and ancient form. The Grand Lodge was then opened in due form, the same officers assuming their stations and places of Grand Lodge officers. The proxy of the Grand Master, R.W. William A. McGonagle, then constituted the Eveleth Lodge No. 239 in due and ancient form according to the Masonic code of Minnesota, after which he duly installed the following officers in their respecitve stations and places:

Bro. J.H. Hearding, W.M., Bro. A.C. Osborn, S.W., Bro. W.D. Ellsworth, J.W., Bro. J.C. Poole, Treasurer, Bro. S.E. Helps, Secretary, Bro. C.W. More, S.D., Bro. Chas. Trengrove, J.D., Bro. A.O. Sisson, S.S., Bro. Robert Powell, J.S., Bro.John Anderson, Tyler

1901, October

The first Master Mason's degree was conferred. While James A. Robb was the first candidate of the lodge, Dr. Frederick Barrett was the first member raised by lodge.

1901, September

Brother Whitman loaded the Lodge $300 to purchase the first officers' chairs and other equipment. At this meeting, a motion was made that the charter be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days in honor of "Our late Brother William McKinley."

1901, August

The Entered Apprentice degree was again conferred. The first finance committee was appointed at this meeting and the secretaryw as authorized to insert a notice in the Evelth Star announcing the meeting dates. Meetings were held practically every Wednesdaynight, starting as late as nine o'clock (bearing the fact that the members were busy during the day) and they often lasted well past midnight. Also, the first chairs were purchased from the Trustees of the M.E. church: 60 chairs for $15. Whenever the Lodge needed money, Mr. Whitman was the first man called upon. While he had never been a member of the Eveleth Lodge, being a loyal member of the Vermilion Lodge #197 of Tower, MN, he attended the early meetings faithfully and worked with the organizers of the Eveleth Lodge as though he were a regular member.

1901, July

The committee on by-laws reported and the by-laws were accepted subject to some slight changes. The first Entered Apprentice degree was conferred. W.M. Hearding reported that, considering that the officers were from many Grand Jurisdictions, the work was conferred without much confusion.

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