2019 Service Awards Announced

Congratulations to all those who received Service Awards and this year's Past Masters Night!

5 Year- Jason Doughty (not pictured)

15 Year- Erik Honkanen (not pictured)

20 Year- Dwight Day (above) , Keith Harvey (not pictured), Craig Johnson (not pictured)

25 Year- Daryl Lawrence (above)

30 Year- Thomas Gilpin, Dale Peterson, Dwight Spiering (none pictured)

35 Year- Kendal Barchus (top) , William Bauman (middle), John Jubala (bottom), Alan Nickila (not pictured), Richard Obidowski (not pictured)

40 Year- Mark Davis (above), (David Hendrickson, Garr Thomas, Robert Thomas, and Roger Salo are not pictured)

45 Year- John Bystrom (not pictured) , John Dahl (top), Dan Issacson (bottom)

50 Year- D. Marvin Hill (on left) and Murle Olson (on right) were presented their certificates by Dr. Brad Linsten (center)

55 Year- Dale Krog (above)

60 Year- Dean Bogart, Val Cook, Warren Kregness (none pictured)

Mason of the Year- Terry Tilton (above)
